Comprehensive and Experienced
Information & Security Consulting
Including vulnerability testing, risk assessment, and more
Proper Fox is an Information Security Consulting company specializing in Governance, Risk and Compliance. With over 10 years of Security experience, Proper Fox is equipped to provide services from Security Awareness training to Full Scale GRC implementations. Contact us today to learn more about our services.

Identify critical, exploitable flaws in network infrastructure. These assessments will produce findings that require remediation to ensure a secure environment.


Identify threats and vulnerabilities and the associated likelihood and impact. The result of these assessments will be a “determination of risk” at either a project or global level.


Our comprehensive security services also include: program/policy reviews, business continuity, secuirty awareness training, and independent auditing.

Proper Fox has been our trusted Internet Security Consultant for years and their expertise is something we have come to depend on for our business to meet the needs of our clients and protect our data systems.
Aaron Rich, Panama City
The Story Of Proper Fox
Learn about the history of the company and how our ideals were founded
After 10 years of working in the Governance, Risk and Compliance divisions of Banking, Nathan decided to strike out on a new venture. Seeing the need for competent, attentive guidance with new Cybersecurity regulations, Proper Fox was born. The name itself is a picture of penetration testing; allowing a “bad guy” behind the lines (or into the hen house) to show you where weaknesses/vulnerabilities may exist. Since 2014, Proper Fox has helped companies across multiple industries streamline their Security and Governance framework to ensure regulatory compliance.
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